
Free bus system for SSU students to be provided by Graton Rancheria casino

The newly built Graton Casino in Rohnert Park should provide a free bus system for the SSU college students. This will provide a safe and free mode of transportation for the students at all hours until 2 A.M. The bus system will provide a free ride home and to class for the students as well as encourage the students to shop locally.

by Zachary Adam Zell on May 16th, 2014, 6:11 pm PDT. This Ivia has been viewed 4,026 times. Last improved on November 17th, 2014, 5:12 pm PST.

The setup

Bus system

  • Bus system starts at Sonoma State University and picks up/drops off students at every lettered section and major section of Rohnert Park as well as reaching into the major sections of Cotati
  • Will operate at hours from 7 a.m.- 2 a.m.

The perks

  • WiFi will be offered on the buses
  • Business will offer their own advertisements inside/outside the buses
  • Students can be encouraged to use the bus system to enjoy the casino

The rules and regulations

  • No illegal substances allowed on the bus system
  • Students will use Student Identification Cards to ride the Bus System

Why Graton should

The facts

  • There would be an immense amount of potential for the students to use the casinos facilities, such as the clubs, restaurants, events, and other future amenities
  • The Casino would be offering the students, who represent much of the future skilled labor force a great avenue for career success at Rohnert Parks largest business
  • The Casino is already reaping a mass amount of success well being seen as something of a controversial enterprise
  • With an estimated first-year revenue of $328.5 million and estimated 7th year of $392 million A bus system could easily be fit into the budget

The benefits

SOURCE: http://gallery.pressdemocrat.com/gallery/20131105.110509999/img040-big.jpg

  • Local businesses catering towards SSU students would benefit from more consumer traffic
  • Access to local nightlife would grow as well as become more safe
  • A legitimate and safe transportation to local business offering social night life environments to the students would provide incentive for alternatives to student house parties
  • Students reveling and transporting themselves safely would allow Rohnert Park's police force to focus their resources on more pressing issues, such as burglary, narcotics, and domestic violence, all of which require attention in the city
  • Development of Rohnert Park's destinations for young people would surely help with retention of SSU graduates, a huge share of whom leave the city soon after graduation for better opportunities
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About the Author

Zachary Adam Zell
Petaluma, California, United States
Founder and CEO at ImproveVia
Sonoma State University

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