California should follow the lead of other states and allow citizens to buy a state parks pass at the time they register/renew a vehicle. This simplifies the entire process, would likely increase the number of passes sold, and thus increase the funding for and usage of parks.
by Cameron Tinsler on January 22nd, 2015, 7:48 am PST. This Ivia has been viewed 7,267 times.
Michigan, for example, does this through a program called Recreation Passport. When a car is registered or renewed, there's a box to check to buy a parks pass. Check the box and the pass is mailed with your registration. The registration sticker that goes on the license plate includes two small "P"s, indicating the vehicle has the passport. Michigan charges only $11!
Details on Michigan's program are here:,4570,7-153-10365_55798---,00.html.
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Reed W. Solomon 9 years ago
11 dollars! Do we know what the signup rate is in Michigan?
Cameron Tinsler 9 years ago
They had better than 20% participation in December of 2011, the first year of the program which started October of that year. I haven't found more recent data. BTW, the passport includes state recreation areas and boat launches in addition to parks.